
Ireland Baldwin got a new tattoo recently. Like most folks, she was pretty excited about her new work, so she couldn’t wait to post it to Instagram and thank the tattoo artist responsible for giving it to her, Parker B. of Midnight Collective in Portland. And I can see why, it’s a fairly detailed image. The work’s good. The colors are vibrant. It’s playful. Is there anything else you see in this?

That’s a seductively posing Kendall Jenner tossing a miniature man away. At least that’s what the internet saw. Several commenters asked Ireland why Kendall now adorned her bicep. Only Ireland says it isn’t Kendall, not intentionally. She posted a follow up on her Instagram stories clarifying that as beautiful as she thinks Kendall is, the art is taken from an illustration from the 1960s.

Fans believe the tattoo strongly resembles Kendall Jenner and when Ireland posted her new ink online, she received a lot of questions about the tat.

“My tattoo isn’t Kendall Jenner,” Ireland posted on her Instagram Story. “She’s beautiful tho so I’ll take it…But it’s actually an illustration that was done in the ’60s.”

[From Just Jared]

I do think the Kendall resemblance is a coincidence, unless the tattooist had Kendall on her mind when she was inking Ireland. But I can see where people are getting a Kendall vibe from the face. (I am trying very hard to avoid mentioning the vacant eyes right now.) I wonder if this will change how Ireland sees it. Will the face morphs to only seeing Kendall when she looks at it? Hopefully Ireland meant it when she said she was flattered by the comparison.

Apparently not everyone was thrilled with the large new art. In addition to the KenJen conspiracists, Ireland had to put up with those who didn’t care for her decision to put such a big, colorful piece of work on her arm. Some told her she was no longer “hot” because of it. Others found some other way to tell her she lost her appeal because of her tattoos. Whether I care for this particular art or not, I’m not a fan of policing women like this. Threatening women by telling them they won’t be considered attractive with the choices they make with their body is shameful.

Of course, Ireland’s father, Alec Baldwin, chimed in as he usually does on her Instagrams. And with his usual response to her risqué comment, “No!”




Photo credit: Avalon Red and Instagram
